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Networking Issue @ DC503/06/2024 14:00

Resolved [03/06/2024 19:12]

Update [03/06/2024 16:50]

The issues have since cleared. This was a repeat of the bug that caused problems last week. Software has been fully restored to an earlier version, so we are expect stability to remain. The data centre are working with the vendor regarding this as a priority, and will be planning some out of hours updates in due course. We apologise for the disruption witnessed. We will continue to monitor the situation carefully.

Identified [03/06/2024 14:00]

We are seeing a repeat of last weeks issues at our DC5 data centre. On-site engineers are aware and working on this. This will be impacting web hosting related facilities, as well as the control panel interacting with these servers. Where possible please avoid using the control panel to manage hosting facilities for the time being.

Current Status